Get To Know The Shameless Psychiatrist

Learn more about Dr. Lea Lis, her credentials and her mission to raise happy, healthy, resilient kids.

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Hampton Insight opened in July 2022 and is providing Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) in Southampton, New York. We provide services such as comprehensive assessments and treatment plans, individualized preparation, a guided spiritual and eye opening journey, and professional psychotherapy.


Come see us and check out our recent feature in The New York Post.

We are living in a world that revolves around technology and screen time usage is an increasing concern among parents.

Living a No Shame lifestyle means helping children build confidence to fuel their self-esteem and foster healthy relationships.

Check out my recent talk about how to embrace the use of technology and model healthy behaviors as parents.

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No Shame

Real Talk With Your Kids About Sex, Self-Confidence, and Healthy Relationships

Available for Purchase Now


Join the No Shame conversation with
Dr. Lea Lis

Sign up for Dr. Lea’s “No Shame” Mighty Network for tips, polls, and LIVE conversations. Check out the upcoming events, including the "Owning Your Sexual Story" workshop.


About No Shame

Dr. Lea Lis offers a guide to parents as they seek to help their children through the maze of sexuality and intimate relationships in the 21st century.


Watch the Videos

Dr. Lis’ Shameless Tips videos cover topics like where your teen should have sex, avoiding the walk of shame, and getting naked with your kids!


Read the Articles

Learn how Dr. Lis is changing the way we talk to kids about sex through ongoing contributions to outlets like Psychology Today, Thrive Global and Healthline.


Follow The Shameless Psychiatrist on Instagram

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